Important Traditional Chinese Medicine

Manipulative Medicine

Manipulative medicine, an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), originates even earlier than acupuncture. No tools or medicine are needed; only the use of the practitioner’s hands is required to administrate the tactics of tuina and massage to alleviate sufferings caused by illnesses, reduce fatigue, and improve one’s health. It is commonly used in the field of traumatology and has contributed greatly to our people’s health over centuries.

About Us

Promoting Manipulative Medicine

Contribute to The Health and Healthcare

We aim to enhance interactions between physicians that practice Manipulative Medicine, to collate and summarize their experiences to effectively share its use and mechanism, allowing the promoting of its use. We also aim to support academic interactions between Singapore and other countries, to increase the standard of our practitioner and help contribute to our people’s health.

The earth symbol represents the world. The two hands shows that manipulative medicine is operated by one’s hands. The two hands cradling the earth means that manipulative medicine can help share the medical burden of the world population.


Promote The Use of Manipulative Medicine

Aim to Enhance Interactions Between Physicians

That practice Manipulative Medicine, to collate and summarize their experiences to effectively share its use and mechanism, allowing the promoting of its use. We also aim to support academic interactions between Singapore and other countries, to increase the standard of our practitioner and help contribute to our people’s health.